Leading up to our trip to Brazil, I looked at it as a point to get through and once we got past that then things would slow down for a while..... I was WRONG!!! I didn't think about the fact that it was basically the milestone to the next step in our lives. Getting through that trip just opened up the door to all we need to do to get back to Brazil. Like find a mission board to go out of, start deputation, learn the language. Not to mention, we've got twelve weeks left before our little girl arrives!!! Which I can't wait for! But as all of you who are parents know, the time leading up to and forever thereafter having a child doesn't slow down at all.
While all of this can be overwhelming, it is also very exciting. Like I said, God did some amazing things in our lives, and we absolutely can't wait to get back to Brazil and serve in the ministry He has called us to. I could ramble on and on about everything that has been happening, but instead I'll just post a few pics of our trip and leave it at that for today.
Zack and I looking out over the city of Formiga, Minas Gerais.
Zack preaching with and interrupter interpreter.
One of the many Catholic churches we saw. Catholicism is a very large part of the culture in Brazil.
Weekend open air market. Lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and freshly butchered meat.
I'm so glad I finally get to see pictures! I guess neither of us realized how quickly things would move along once you got back. Proud of you both.