Simply Stephanie

Simply Stephanie

Friday, October 24, 2014

Life as a missionary wife

     Well, the title is somewhat untrue...for now... I will be a missionary wife; and in three weeks that journey will begin. So I thought that I am close enough to this status that I could go ahead and use the title accurately.

     As I said, in three weeks our life as missionaries will begin as we head off for our three week long survey trip to Brazil. How exciting you say... Well, yes, it is very well as nerve-racking. My reason for writing this is because I have only recently realized how soon this is all actually happening!
    The realization hit me only a few days ago and I was left feeling very unprepared. As I am currently sixteen weeks pregnant, I suddenly started worrying about what clothes I am going to need in the next six weeks and the variety of sizes that I will need as my body grows, and whatever else a pregnant woman needs in a foreign country. Also, three weeks off of work can be a little taxing on the bank account...especially around Christmas time. Not to mention, my husband is in desperate need of new clothes before the trip ( I just don't think the two pairs of pants he alternates will do for three weeks). And then of course there's the whole we get back and it's time for Christmas thing... and I have to buy presents and plan a trip to Michigan to visit my family oh...ya..and make it to a wedding in Alabama two days after Christmas. So needless to say, my next two months will be very hectic... and there is that feeling of total unpreparedness again.
 On top of all that, my dad is coming in to town in two weeks to go hunting with my husband. They bond on all that outdoorsy man stuff. Which is great! I love that they get along so well. It's the threat...I mean possibility..that they will be hunting the morning we are supposed to leave for Brazil that worries me.
    My hope for that hunting trip is that my mother will be able to come as well. No, you are never too old to need your mom. In all my feelings of unpreparedness, I feel that my mom coming for the week before and helping me pack (since she's been through this before, including being pregnant at the time) will greatly help me feel more prepared for this little journey of ours.
    However, at the end of the day, yes I feel totally unprepared, but I know this is what God has called our little family to. So, I keep telling myself this is just the beginning and it's really not more than I can handle. Did I mention the fact that my mother refers to my father as Indiana Jones, and she often tells me that I married a man exactly like my father?? Ya, so if watching my father is any indication of my future.... this is DEFINITELY just the beginning.


  1. It is definitely just the beginning! I will be there to help you pack, or to hold your hand or whatever you need me for. I love you, and I'm so proud of you!

  2. God has created you and molded you for such a time as this. I know He has chosen the right couple to go to the far reaches of Brazil. I thank God for the sacrifice you and Zack are about to make - for not many can say "We are missionaries!" I'm just upstairs any time you need me ! Love you Steph!

  3. Love you, Stephanie, and praying for you and Zach and the little one as y'all prepare for the wonderful journey God has prepared for you in His service!

  4. Hi My name is Andrew and I am from fellowship Baptist Church. I couldn't find your husband online but this page came up when I searched for him. His message is on the website now if y'all wanted to check it out
